Green Institute update


Margaret Blakers

Love New Zealand? Vote Green

Did you know that New Zealand has 6.6 million cows — equivalent in pollution load to a human population of 84 million. But instead of going to a treatment plant, the waste goes straight into New Zealand's rivers. That's why one of the Greens ' priority campaigns this election is to clean up rivers and beaches so they are swimmable again. They're also going for 100% renewable energy by 2030 as part of creating a smart, green innovative economy, and getting kids out of poverty to build a fairer society.

Listen to NZ Greens' whip, Gareth Hughes, talk about the politics and policies of this election campaign at his Green Institute webinar. If you're eligible to vote, register! And don't forget to vote on the day.

Webinars coming up (dates to be fixed)

Scott Ludlam on metadata, data retention and privacy — everything you need to know.

Margaret Blakers on Australia's electricity system — a four layer cake, some bits with icing.

Keep an eye on the website and facebook for dates and times.

Past webinars

Budget, healthcare, free trade or fair: lots of talks by Green luminaries to listen to when you have a spare half hour. Watch at our Vimeo channel.

Plus a really interesting piece to read by George Monbiot:  The Pricing of Everything. We're not going to save nature by pricing it, only — as ever — by mobilising.

More information: see the Green Institute web site or email